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Carex Apex 7-Day Weekly Plastic Pill Organizer AM/PM XXL Removable Divider 1 Each

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Product Name
Carex Apex 7-Day Weekly Plastic Pill Organizer AM/PM XXL Removable Divider 1 Each
Product Description

The Apex 7-Day XXL Twice-A-Day Pill Box offers convenient medication management. With 7 removable dividers each day planner can be customized for 1 or 2 compartments accommodating various medication schedules. Featuring large black letters and Braille imprints for easy identification it organizes medications by day and time. The pill organizer s tabbed compartments securely snap shut ensuring medications stay in place. Designed with differently colored AM and PM slots it simplifies dosage distinction. Easy to clean and dishwasher safe it s ideal for anyone with multiple medications minimizing missed doses.

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Last updated
December 10, 2024

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