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Fall of the Athenian Empire (Paperback)

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Fall of the Athenian Empire (Paperback)
Product Description

The fourth volume in Kagan s history of ancient Athens which has been called one of the major achievements of modern historical scholarship begins with the ill-fated Sicilian expedition of 413 B.C. and ends with the surrender of Athens to Sparta in 404 B.C. Richly documented precise in detail it is also extremely well-written linking it to a tradition of historical narrative that has become rare in our time. ― Virginia Quarterly Review In the fourth and final volume of his magisterial history of the Peloponnesian War Donald Kagan examines the period from the destruction of Athens Sicilian expedition in September of 413 B.C. to the Athenian surrender to Sparta in the spring of 404 B.C. Through his study of this last decade of the war Kagan evaluates the performance of the Athenian democracy as it faced its most serious challenge. At the same time Kagan assesses Thucydides interpretation of the reasons for Athens defeat and the destruction of the Athenian Empire.

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December 5, 2024

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