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EpicOrganic 7 Day THC Detox - Fast-Acting Detoxifying Strength - Urinary Tract Cleanse, Bladder Function

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Product Name
EpicOrganic 7 Day THC Detox - Fast-Acting Detoxifying Strength - Urinary Tract Cleanse, Bladder Function
Product Description

STRONG TOTAL CLEANSE Our professional formula helps you to get rid of unwanted toxins from your body. With our proven formula, you do will effectively clean the unhealthy metabolites and other toxins from your liver, kidney and blood. It removes all kind of toxins and accelerate natural detox up to 200%. WEED DETOXdepends on those factors: - following the instructions - body weight 120 pounds weight requires a minimum of 1bottle 121 - 150 pounds weight requires a minimum of 2 bottles 151 - 200 pounds weight requires a minimum of 3 bottles 201+ poundsweight requires a minimum of4bottles, etc. - history of THC usage - speed of metabolism For average weight people with a good metabolism, not hard smokers it takes about one-week course (1 bottle) to get detoxified and receive a negative drug test.People with the factors mentioned above preferably use2-3 bottles and get clean in 2-3 weeks. INSTANT DETOXIFIER Completely remove all the toxins right away from all your systems for good and all! You'll get a proper portion of the right natural ingredients for total weed cleanse that allow your body eliminate toxins at a faster rate that it can naturally.

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Last updated
November 27, 2024

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