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Today I Celebrate Holidays!: How Ali Adam and Ari Find More in Common Through Their Differences (Paperback)

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Today I Celebrate Holidays!: How Ali Adam and Ari Find More in Common Through Their Differences (Paperback)
Product Description

Ali celebrates Ramadan Adam celebrates Christmas and Ari celebrates Hanukkah. They are three best friends who share their holiday traditions and experiences with each other over a plate of cookies one afternoon. Through their eyes Today I Celebrate! shares the boys excitement of each morning when they wake up to celebrate their special holidays with their families. As they learn about each other s religions and traditions they understand there are more similarities than differences. About the Author: Rose Gulferi Apak came to the United States at a young age as an immigrant from Turkey. She s always aspired to be a writer who incorporates her upbringing and cultural background to her work. She s inspired by love hope and the American promise that anyone can follow their dreams. Rose currently lives in Brooklyn New York. Illustrated by Orcun Apa

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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