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Historical Guides to the World s Periodi Regional Interest Magazines of the United States (Hardcover)
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In Regional Interest Magazines of the United States Sam G. Riley and Gary W. Selnow focus on those magazines that direct their attention to a particular city or region and reach a fairly general readership intersted in entertainment and information. This work is a follow-up to their earlier Index to City and Regional Magazines of the United States. Titles are arranged alphabetically to facilitate access; each entry includes a historical essay on the magazine s founding development editorial policies and content. Entries also include two sections that provide data on information sources and publication history arranged in tabular form for ready reference. In choosing the magazines to be profiled Riley and Selnow attempted to represent not only the biggest and most successful of this genre but also some smaller and newer titles plus significant earlier magazines that are no longer in print. Special care was also taken to achieve an even geographical spread. To attain greater accuracy regional writers were enlisted to do the entries on their own region. These writers provide valuable information on how the various magazines began how conditions have caused them to change their problems their editors and publishers and their content as well as colorful and little known facts of their operation. Magazines were arranged alphabetically and two informative appendices list the profiled titles by founding date and geographic location. This volume will be a valuable resource for students of magazine publishing history.
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