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Lineco/University Products Pure Wheat Starch Adhesive 2 oz.

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Product Name
Lineco/University Products Pure Wheat Starch Adhesive 2 oz.
Product Description

Lineco has a proud heritage of producing and distributing archival quality products worldwide for 40 years. In the late 1970s Lineco began by producing high quality artist s paper pads and sketchbooks and distributing them into the art materials marketplace. Not long after introduction the line was broadened to serve the needs of picture framers and bookbinders as well as artists. In so doing a pedigree - and an exclusive benchmark - was born. Today we are a lot more than framer s tapes - we manufacture a broad line of bookbinding items such as repair tapes book binding boards spine tapes pH neutral adhesives along with many tools and associated supplies. Other items include metal edge storage boxes photo and print sleeves and pages matboards mounting corners job jackets and easel backs. We are also the OEM manufacturer to a number of national brands and retailers worldwide. Lineco also produces the Books-By-Hand line of bookbinding materials and easy to assemble kits available as journals boxes scrapbooks and accordion photo albums.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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