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NEKTON-MSA High Grade Mineral Supplement for Birds Reptiles & Amphibians 40gm (1.41oz)

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Product Name
NEKTON-MSA High Grade Mineral Supplement for Birds Reptiles & Amphibians 40gm (1.41oz)
Product Description

A highly effective mineral compound suitable for pet birds reptiles and amphibians. Contains 2 amino acids NEKTON-MSA is a top-quality blend of minerals trace elements and amino acids that includes vitamin D3. It promotes healthy metabolism and strong bones preventing conditions like rickets and repairing damage caused by calcium deficiency. NEKTON-MSA is ideal for birds during breeding and rearing as it covers their increased mineral needs protects against absorption issues boosts immune defense and prevents egg fragility. For young birds NEKTON-MSA supports proper bone development and helps prevent future illnesses that can arise from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It is easy to use by mixing it with soft food or bird grit and is not water-soluble.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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