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Funny Side Collection: The Fart Side : Windbreaks! Expanded Full Blast Edition: The Funny Side Collection (Paperback)

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Funny Side Collection: The Fart Side : Windbreaks! Expanded Full Blast Edition: The Funny Side Collection (Paperback)
Product Description

The Fart Side series is an enjoyable and informative collection of tasteful hilarious cartoons fascinating factoids and obscure trivia that will entertain and enlighten. Combining the award-winning talents of both a master cartoonist and a physician professor the volumes are proof that Laughter is the best medicine! The Fart Side series is an enjoyable and informative collection of tasteful hilarious cartoons fascinating factoids and obscure trivia that will entertain and enlighten. Combining the award-winning talents of both a master cartoonist and a physician professor the volumes are proof that Laughter is the best medicine! The compact Pocket Rocket Edition! is 5 x 7 96 pages with 62 images and full color cartoons. The Expanded and Full Blast Edition! is 6 x 9 122 pages with 70 images and full color cartoons. Dan Reynolds cartoons are like a box of chocolates you never know what you re going to get but they ll keep you coming back. Dan s cartoons are seen by millions of readers around the world. Dan s website is Joseph Weiss MD is Clinical Professor of Medicine (Gastroenterology) at the University of California San Diego. The author of several books on health international professional speaker and humorist with programs that exemplify edutainment . GI Joe s website is

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December 8, 2024

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