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TRA2445 Traxxas Toe Link 55mm Aluminum Silver TRA2445

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Product Name
TRA2445 Traxxas Toe Link 55mm Aluminum Silver TRA2445
Product Description

Traxxas was started in 1986 with an idea for what was at that time an entirely new concept for a fully assembled hobby-class R/C car. This new car would have all the same benefits of a hobby-class kit such as replaceable parts hop-ups and a high-quality component radio system however it would be fully assembled with a colorful body right out of the box. Traxxas coined the term Ready-To-Run (RTR) to describe this new class. Since a fully assembled ready-to-run car would appeal to the entry-level beginner a toll-free customer support line was set up from day one to service an entirely new category of hobby consumer. At first acceptance of the RTR concept was slow because traditional R/C kits had always been unassembled. Once people realized that a Traxxas RTR had the same performance and quality as the traditional R/C kits only that they didn t have to build it the ready-to-run car was a runaway hit! A kit version would still be offered for those who still wanted to have the building experience.From the ManufacturerTraxxas has grown to become the number-1 selling name in RTR nitro and electric models for the last 4 years running. No one has done more than Traxxas to advance the RTR category with innovative thinking and fun designs that make it easy for anyone to get started in the great R/C hobby. Traxxas truly the fastest name in Radio Control.

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Last updated
March 8, 2025

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