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Language Acquisition: Studies in First Language Development (Paperback)

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Product Name
Language Acquisition: Studies in First Language Development (Paperback)
Product Description

The aim of the first edition of Language Acquisition was to provide as comprehensive a description and explanation as possible of the changes in the child s language as he or she grows older. In this second edition Paul Fletcher and Michael Garman have the same fundamental aim. Six years later the field has not changed dramatically but there have been fruitful theoretical developments - the learnability hypothesis in particular has been influentially expounded - and empirical work seeking evidence of specific language capacities in children has made notable advances. Equally significant are shifts in emphasis: the growing interest in cross-linguistic studies for example or accounts of language development of reading and writing. All these changes are reflected in the second edition. About half the chapters are entirely new having been specially commissioned for this edition. The remainder of the book consists of substantially revised versions of chapters from the first edition. Like its predecessor this collection is the work of distinguished specialists from many countries and will provide an invaluable resource for students and professionals alike who have an interest in the field of child language acquisition.

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December 12, 2024

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