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Primacoustic Broadway Max Trap 3-Way Broadband Absorber and Bass Trap 24 x48 Corner Mount Gray

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Product Name
Primacoustic Broadway Max Trap 3-Way Broadband Absorber and Bass Trap 24 x48 Corner Mount Gray
Product Description

The Primacoustic Max Trap is a corner mount audio conditioner designed specifically for use in corners to provide all-important bass-frequency control. Also reduces mid- and high-frequency reflections. Wall and ceiling planes tend to reflect and guide bass energy into corners. That s why acoustic engineers almost always place bass traps in corner joints where walls intersect. Working like a 3-way speaker in reverse the Max Trap employs three acoustic principles in one device: High frequencies are absorbed with a fabric covered 3 thick high-density fiberglass panel. Behind the panel is a 16 deep open air space to reduce low-mid and bass frequencies. Deep bass down to 65Hz is absorbed by a heavy dead mass in the form of a diaphragmatic membrane. Powerful bass frequencies set the membrane into motion converting sound energy into heat. With Max Traps mounted in your room you will immediately enjoy tighter more accurate bass reduced flutter echo and help eliminate troublesome standing waves that cause peaks and nulls. The listening sweet spot will enlarge and your recordings will better translate as you play them back in different rooms and audio playback systems. Shipped flat in kit form to save freight the Max Trap features an easy-to-assemble black laminated wood frame. Assembly and installation will typically take less than 30 minutes per unit using regular household tools. For those with artistic flare a second fabric covering may be added without affecting the Max Trap s performance.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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