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Weleda Baby Tummy Oil 1.7 fl oz (50 ml)

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Product Name
Weleda Baby Tummy Oil 1.7 fl oz (50 ml)
Product Description

The Baby Tummy Oil by Weleda is a delicately composed composition based on mild almond oil. It is specifically developed for relaxing baby massages. This comforting oil formulated with gentle almond oil and delicate natural essential oils derived from roman chamomile marjoram and cardamom that are traditionally used for digestive concerns complement the massage process by easing painful wind while relaxing your little one. Application: After warming the oil in your hands gently massage the oil in a clockwise direction spiralling out from the navel over the tummy. Ensure that the massage is being carried out in a warm environment with warm hands (warm forearms and hands in temperate water prior to massage) using gentle and even movements.

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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