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Kumon Workbooks: Kumon My Book of Pasting (Paperback)

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Product Name
Kumon Workbooks: Kumon My Book of Pasting (Paperback)
Product Description

Kumon Basic Skills Workbooks ensure that children master basic fine motor control skills with ease to build a foundation for independent learning. Everything in our Basic Skills Workbooks - from the sturdy paper to the engaging content - is designed with the best interests of your child in mind. This workbook is designed to improve children's abilities with tools such as scissors and glue. Exercises start with cutting out parts and pasting them onto designated places on each page to complete a picture. Gradually, the pictures become more complex, and the child is eventually asked to decide freely where the parts should go. Children will enjoy completing projects and creating artwork through cutting and pasting.

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Last updated
September 24, 2024

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