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GloFish Special Flake Fish Food for GloFish and Small to Mid-Size Tropical Freshwater Fish 1.59 oz

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Product Name
GloFish Special Flake Fish Food for GloFish and Small to Mid-Size Tropical Freshwater Fish 1.59 oz
Product Description

Give your pet fish a nutritionally complete blend of food that supports healthy growth with GloFish Special Flake Food. The fish flakes are suitable for small to mid-sized tropical freshwater fish like GloFish Tetras Pristellas Danios Barbs Sharks Cory Catfish and Angelfish. Optimized for GloFish fluorescent fish the fish food enhances their florescent colors. GloFish fish add an alluring array of brilliant colors to any aquarium. A single container of fish flake food holds 1.59 ounces. Feed two to three times daily in small amounts only as much as your fish can consume within a minute or so.

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Last updated
December 19, 2024

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