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Loeb Classical Library: Laws Volume I: Books 1-6 (Hardcover)

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Loeb Classical Library: Laws Volume I: Books 1-6 (Hardcover)
Product Description

Final thoughts on an ideal constitution. Plato the great philosopher of Athens was born in 427 BC. In early manhood an admirer of Socrates he later founded the famous school of philosophy in the grove Academus. Much else recorded of his life is uncertain; that he left Athens for a time after Socrates execution is probable; that later he went to Cyrene Egypt and Sicily is possible; that he was wealthy is likely; that he was critical of advanced democracy is obvious. He lived to be 80 years old. Linguistic tests including those of computer science still try to establish the order of his extant philosophical dialogues written in splendid prose and revealing Socrates mind fused with Plato s thought. In Laches Charmides and Lysis Socrates and others discuss separate ethical conceptions. Protagoras Ion and Meno discuss whether righteousness can be taught. In Gorgias Socrates is estranged from his city s thought and his fate is impending. The Apology (not a dialogue) Crito Euthyphro and the unforgettable Phaedo relate the trial and death of Socrates and propound the immortality of the soul. In the famous Symposium and Phaedrus written when Socrates was still alive we find the origin and meaning of love. Cratylus discusses the nature of language. The great masterpiece in ten books the Republic concerns righteousness (and involves education equality of the sexes the structure of society and abolition of slavery). Of the six so-called dialectical dialogues Euthydemus deals with philosophy; metaphysical Parmenides is about general concepts and absolute being; Theaetetus reasons about the theory of knowledge. Of its sequels Sophist deals with not-being; Politicus with good and bad statesmanship and governments; Philebus with what is good. The Timaeus seeks the origin of the visible universe out of abstract geometrical elements. The unfinished Critias treats of lost Atlantis. Unfinished also is Plato s last work Laws a critical discussion of principles of law which Plato thought the Greeks might accept. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Plato is in twelve volumes.

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