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The Mind-Body Problem Explained (Hardcover)

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The Mind-Body Problem Explained (Hardcover)
Product Description

Cracking the Mind-Body Cipher Dr. Niall (Jock) McLaren is an Australian psychiatrist who uses philosophical analysis to show that modern psychiatry has no scientific basis. This startling conclusion dovetails neatly with the growing evidence that psychiatric drug treatment is crude and damaging. Needless to say this message is not popular with mainstream psychiatrists. However in this book he shows how the principles of information processing give a formal theory of mind that generates a model of mental disorder as a psychological phenomenon. This book shows... How for ideological reasons modern philosophy misses the point of the duality of mind and body; How to resolve the mind-body problem using well-defined principles; Why the entire DSM project is doomed to fail; Why the ideas of Thomas Szasz have failed to influence psychiatry; Where we go from here. The Mind Body Problem Explained is a thoughtful insightful and provocative exploration of the nature of the human mind and sets forth a powerful argument for rethinking the medical model of mental disorders. The current paradigm of psychiatric care has failed us and Niall McLaren s book will stir readers to think of new possibilities. --Robert B. Whitaker author Mad in America: Bad Science Bad Medicine and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill It is impossible to do justice to this ambitious erudite and intrepid attempt to dictate to psychiatry a new scientifically-correct model theory. The author offers a devastating critique of the shortcomings and pretensions of psychiatry not least its all-pervasive jargon-camouflaged nescience. --Sam Vaknin PhD author Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited From Future Psychiatry Press MED105000 Medical: Psychiatry - General PHI026000 Philosophy: Criticism PSY018000 Psychology: Mental Illness

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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