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Platinum Health ENERGY EZ-AB Sit-Up Chair. Comfortable Padded Adjustable. Use as Video Game Chair

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Product Name
Platinum Health ENERGY EZ-AB Sit-Up Chair. Comfortable Padded Adjustable. Use as Video Game Chair
Product Description

FLABBY TO FIT-FAST. Let’s face it. Sit-ups aren’t fun. For most people they are downright painful and for some people simply excruciating. Unfortunately sit-ups are still the gold standard exercise for building abdominal and core muscle strength fast. The Energy EZ-AB Sit up machine is the perfect companion to keep you safe comfortable and motivated for your ab exercise routine.LOOK GREAT-FEEL GREAT. Imagine the confidence you’ll have when you finally achieve the abs you’ve been dreaming of as friends and family begin complimenting you on your new look. They’ll never know how easy it really was thanks to the Energy EZ-AB Sit-up Chair- The worlds most comfortable sit up machine. Begin your journey to a happier and healthier you today.PREMIUM COMFORT. Extra thick padding covers the base back and leg mechanism for optimal comfort. Perform perfect sit ups without hurting your back shoulders and buttocks. More comfort equals more motivation and overall better results. The Energy EZ-AB device is ultimate excuse-buster for avoiding sit-ups.BEGINNER SIT-UP SETTING. The top half of the chair easily adjusts into a position that allows beginners to perform easier sit-ups. Ideal for seniors and novices. As your abs quickly develop strength and endurance simply lower the back gradually until full sit-ups are possible.AUTO-ADJUST/EASY-LOCK. Leg brace mechanism automatically adjusts to each individual’s desired preference. No more second-guessing whether it is in the correct position. This feature focuses on creating the perfect sit-up for each user regardless of body size or shape.MULTI-FUNCTIONAL TRANSFORMS INTO GAMING CHAIR. If you fold top half to its most upright position it transforms the seat into a gaming chair that facilitates good posture without sacrificing comfort.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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