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Pre-Owned Up Your Score: Act 2018-2019 Edition: The Underground Guide to Outsmarting the Test (Paperback) 0761193669 9780761193661

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Up Your Score: Act 2018-2019 Edition: The Underground Guide to Outsmarting the Test (Paperback) 0761193669 9780761193661
Product Description

Fully updated to reflect the most current version of the ACT Up Your Score: ACT remains the test prep and survival guide that kids will actually want to use. Written by Chris Arp a Princeton graduate and top ACT tutor--with the help of four students who aced the test (and went on to the colleges of their choice)--it s a true insider s guide filled with effective strategies and tips delivered with the attitude smarts and wit that make Up Your Score the bestselling alternative test-prep series in print. ▪ Crush the reading section by developing the Five Habits of Lean Forward Reading. ▪ Master the math section through techniques like plugging in an amazing trick that simplifies all algebra word problems. ▪ Annihilate the English section by absorbing six key punctuation and nine essential grammar rules. ▪ Sail through the science section by understanding that it actually tests reasoning. ▪ Plus the latest information on ACT scoring and the essay test revised in 2015 to be more open-ended and analytical.

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