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Thalia Trilogy Texasville (Paperback)

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Product Name
Thalia Trilogy Texasville (Paperback)
Product Description

With Texasville Larry McMurtry returns to the unforgettable Texas town and entertaining characters from one of his best-loved books The Last Picture Show. This is a Texas-sized story brimming with home truths of the heart and men and women we recognize believe in and care about deeply. Set in the post-oil-boom 1980s Texasville brings us up to date with Duane who s got an adoring dog a sassy wife a twelve-million-dollar debt and a hot tub by the pool; Jacy who s finished playing Jungla in Italian movies and who s returned to Thalia; and Sonny--Duane s teenage rival for Jacy s affections--who owns the car wash the Kwik-Sackstore and the video arcade. With his talent for writing lovable eccentric characters Texasville is one of Larry McMurtry s funniest and most touching contemporary novels.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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