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Aromatherapy & Essential Oils: Aromatherapy Recipes: Simple Aromatherapy Blends and Essential Oils for Beginners. Massage Oils for Wellness Beauty and Relaxation (Paperback)

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Aromatherapy & Essential Oils: Aromatherapy Recipes: Simple Aromatherapy Blends and Essential Oils for Beginners. Massage Oils for Wellness Beauty and Relaxation (Paperback)
Product Description

Aromatherapy Recipes & Essential Oils: The Tested Secrets for Health Beauty and Wellness! Join our Aromatherapy Spa Lovers Club and let aromatherapy blends work for your health balance beauty wellbeing and relaxation! Aromatherapy is not only about aromas or pleasant rituals for relaxation. The essential oils have been known and used for their therapeutic and healing properties for ages. With this simple guide you will discover the most powerful aromatherapy recipe blends that you can get started on immediately so as to improve your quality of life and wellbeing. The multi-functionality of the essential oils offers us the possibility to create a myriad of treatments quite inexpensively. Something that many luxurious spas would charge you a great amount of money and keep their secrets to themselves. Aromatherapy Recipes For Beginners will offer you a jump start to aromatherapy. It s all about practice application embracing the feeling of wellness and rejuvenation. Here s What You Will Learn with Aromatherapy Recipes: The difference between the essential oils and the vegetable oils General preview of different schools of aromatherapy: The British School of Aromatherapy vs The French School of Aromatherapy What is Aromatology? How does it differ from Aromatherapy? The basic precautions and contraindications How to make sure that you use only pure 100% organic essential oils How I set up my mini aroma studio at home to pamper myself when I need it How to make the treatments a part of your lifestyle- the motivational part An appendix: the properties of the essential oils mentioned throughout my recipe blends How to develop your aroma-intuition The general overview of other forms of application apart from massage Written in a simple conversational style this guide is perfect for beginners wishing to take their health to the next level with aromatherapy and essential oils! With This Guide You Will Learn to Create Your Personalized Aromatherapy Blends That Are Great for: Haircare Skincare Relaxation and rejuvenation Focus and concentration Natural beauty treatments blends (anti-cellulite moisturizing aftershave for men) Healthy and therapeutic (e.g. natural lymphatic drainage fluid retention tendinitis colds and flu) Emotional wellbeing and meditation Common stress-related complaints (headaches low energy levels muscular tension due to stress) much much more! Would you like to know more? Get your copy today and create your holistic home spa with essential oils!

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December 5, 2024

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