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The Art Direction Handbook for Film (Paperback) by Michael Rizzo

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Product Name
The Art Direction Handbook for Film (Paperback) by Michael Rizzo
Product Description

Whether you d like to be an art director or already are one this book contains valuable solutions that will help you get ahead. This comprehensive thorough professional manual details the set-up of the art department and the day-to-day job duties: scouting for locations research executing the design concept constructing scenery and surviving production. You will not only learn how to do the job but how to succeed and secure future jobs. Rounding out the text is an extensive collection of useful forms and checklists along with interviews with prominent art directors relevant real-life anecdotes and blueprints sketches photographs and stills from Hollywood sets. Due to an error on the part of the publisher the correct credit for Figure 3.8 was omitted. Figure 3.8 is (c) Disney Enterprises Inc. We apologize for this error.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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