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Playing for Keeps : Michael Jordan and the World He Made (Hardcover)

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Playing for Keeps : Michael Jordan and the World He Made (Hardcover)
Product Description

A modern American legend Michael Jordan s name alone evokes excellence. In his new book David Halberstam explores the NBA superstar s character and achievements and documents the reasons for his fame and notoriety. The author of the number-one bestseller The Summer of 49 and other seminal books about American sports politics and culture now turns his attention to a modern American legend — Michael Jordan — whose name alone evokes excellence. Halberstam explores Jordan s character and achievements not only as a professional champion but as a teenager and student athlete. Halberstam also chronicles the commercial forces that have changed the game during Jordan s career and the people behind those forces. And finally Halberstam documents Jordan s own business acumen which together with his athletic ability has made him into the best-known person on this planet. This is a journalistic triumph an appraisal and a celebration of the nearly mythical figure that is Michael Jordan.

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Last updated
December 9, 2024

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