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Leaktite White 5 gal Plastic Bucket Lid

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Product Name
Leaktite White 5 gal Plastic Bucket Lid
Product Description

The battlewagon bucket allows a rope handle to be used with premium 5 gallon buckets with no holes or other modifications The large diameter rope is easy on the hands and offers a superior grip with wet or slimy hands The White battlewagon buckets are made from thicker 90 mil material by one of the largest and oldest container manufacturers here in the us these features make the battlewagon bucket a superior boat bucket we also offer a 70 mil version bucket in black These are great for engine room applications and will hide dirt and smudges you may also know that live bait Just seems to stay a lot calmer and last longer in a black bucket The battlewagon bucket is proudly made in the United States All rope handles are 100 nylon Made in the USA The Black rope handle is color fast It wont bleed Leaktite 6GLD White Easy Off Plastic Pail Lid 5 Gallon is for use with five gallon buckets #748-756 834-754 461-210. Forms a tight seal easy to remove.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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