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Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (Hardcover) by Henk C a Van Tilborg

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Product Name
Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security (Hardcover) by Henk C a Van Tilborg
Product Description

9780387234731. New condition. Hard cover. Language: English. Pages: 684. Sewn binding. Cloth over boards. 684 p. Contains: Illustrations black & white Tables black & white Figures. This comprehensive encyclopedia provides easy access to information on all aspects of cryptography and security. With an A--Z format of over 460 entries 100+ international experts provide an accessible reference for those seeking entry into any aspect of the broad fields of cryptography and information security. Most entries in this preeminent work include useful literature references providing more than 2500 references in total. Topics for the encyclopedia were selected by a distinguished advisory board consisting of 18 of the world s leading scholars and practitioners. Main subject areas include: Authentication and identification Block ciphers and stream ciphers Computational issues Copy protection Cryptanalysis and security Cryptographic protocols Electronic payment and digital certificates Elliptic curve cryptography Factorization algorithms and primality tests Hash functions and MACs Historical systems Identity-based cryptography Implementation aspects for smart cards and standards Key management Multiparty computations like voting schemes Public key cryptography Quantum cryptography Secret sharing schemes Sequences Web security The style of the entries in the Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security is expository and tutorial rather than detailed and technical making the book a practical resource for information security experts as well as professionals in other fields who need to access this vital information but who may not have time to work their way through an entire text on their topic of interest. The underlying concepts in information security can be difficult to understand and may even be counter-intuitive. The Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security will become the premier reference work on this complex subject.

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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