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Get Real: Real-Time Art Theory Practice History (Other)

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Product Name
Get Real: Real-Time Art Theory Practice History (Other)
Product Description

Real Time is a transdisciplinary issue. It is media art practice. The concept of Real Time enters our language because of the possibilities given to us by the (new) mediaelectronic communication and control. This anthology and DVD is one of the first collected presentations of the influence on and significance of real-time media in art. Some of the most influential Scandinavian artists and internationally renowned critics historians and curators within the field of media art and new media art have been asked to contribute to this anthology. The result is a kaleidoscopic view on the relations between real-time and art from three different angles/subsections: REAL-TIME + ART + THEORY discusses the theoretical positionscurrent as well as historicaland their possible implications seen from different perspectives. REAL-TIME + ART + PRACTICE gives subjective presentations by practitioners from the field of media art on real-time strategies and formalisms. REAL-TIME + ART + HISTORY presents the current research within the field of the history of media art with a specific focus on real-time. Furthermore the DVD will provide a large selection of examples ranging from documentations to actual functioning real-time artworks you may install or run on your home computer. A list of selected real-time artworks will supplement the examples on the DVD and the texts in the anthology. 15 two color illustrations 110 in black and white accompanied by a DVD

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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