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Costa Farms Live 14-inch Tall Multi-Color Leaves Multi-Color Leaves Croton Mammy Bright Direct Sunlight Indoor House or Office Floor Plant in 6-inch Nursery pot

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Product Name
Costa Farms Live 14-inch Tall Multi-Color Leaves Multi-Color Leaves Croton Mammy Bright Direct Sunlight Indoor House or Office Floor Plant in 6-inch Nursery pot
Product Description

Colorful leafy croton is a houseplant that adds instant living tropical decor to any room. Croton is an easy-care plant that excels in bright light producing bold colorful foliage. Red ‘Mammy’ Croton offers large narrow twisted colorful leaves that rival the beauty of flowers—their leaves feature splashes of red yellow and green. If you want to add living color to energize your decor add Croton houseplants. This easy-care indoor plant is native to Indonesia Malaysia and Australia but will grow happily as a houseplant in your home in bright light. A COLORFUL LEAFY PLANT THAT’S EASY CARE: This colorful houseplant requires minimal care and will add exotic leafy beauty to your home or office. A GREAT PLANT FOR HOMES OFFICES AND ANYONE WHO LOVES COLOR! Croton is an ideal houseplant for any home apartment or office. It makes a great housewarming gift. ‘Mammy’ is especially beautiful because each twisty leaf has a mix of red yellow and green hues. This is the ideal houseplant for kitchens living rooms bathrooms and bedrooms. CROTON ADDS EXOTIC EXCITEMENT TO INDOOR DECOR: Costa Farms’ Croton houseplant is shipped in a grower’s pot and can be dropped into a decorative pot. Make sure the container has drain holes because it’s important that croton doesn’t sit in wet soil. To change the look of this plant simply switch exterior pots or replant it into a new pot. Croton looks beautiful in a pot alone but can also be planted with other houseplants from Costa Farms to create a beautiful tropical indoor garden ideal for kitchens living rooms bathrooms and bedrooms. CARE FOR YOUR CROTON MAMMY IS EASY: Light: Grow Croton Mammy in bright direct sunlight. Some plants may burn if placed in direct sunlight. Water: Croton Mammy likes to be watered once a week with about 1 cup. The frequency of watering may change depending on your plant s pot size how much light it gets and the temperature of the environment. Feeding: Feed seasonally in the spring summer and in autumn. Do not feed in the winter. Use a good quality granular food or a liquid food. Pruning/Shaping: Cut back any yellowing or dying leaves. Trim erratic growth to keep plant in a good shape. Repotting: Repot your plants when they become root bound. (A houseplant is root bound when roots appear in the soil or begin to escape through drain holes in the pot bottom.) Never repot houseplants using soil from your yard. Outdoor Options: Can grow outdoors year-round as landscaping plants or in containers. PLANT SAFETY: Not intended for human or animal consumption.

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Last updated
February 4, 2025

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