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AmScope 25 Glass Prepared Zoological and Botanical Microscope Slides with Plastic Box New

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Product Name
AmScope 25 Glass Prepared Zoological and Botanical Microscope Slides with Plastic Box New
Product Description

This is a 25-piece very nice microscope prepared slide set of various plants insects and/or animal tissues. The slides are cover-slipped and preserved in cedar wood oil. They are premium accurately stained and machine cleaned slides that will give a sharp image. All slides are carefully labeled for easy reference and are arranged in a fine plastic box. This slide set is a rare mix of 25 prepared slides from which students can find a lot of fun. This slide set is excellent for educational use and is perfect for all levels of student study including home school program. It is from the manufacturer instead of seconds or salvage. There is no risk of contamination from previous use. Features & Specifications: 25 PC Glass Prepared Slides. Name Marked on Each Slide. One Plastic Slide Storage Case Included. Manufactured Under ISO 9001 Quality Control Standard. Unbeatable Low Price Guaranteed or the Difference Back! Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back! Slides Included: - Pine Leaf (cross section) - Coprinus Mushroom Set (cross section) - Sunflower Stem (cross section) - Young Root of Broad Bean (cross section) - Onion Epidermis (whole mount) - Tilia Stem (cross section) - Pumpkin Stem (cross section) - Lilium Ovary (cross section) - Lilium Anther (cross section) - Zea Stem (cross section) - Nymphaea of Aqustio Stem (cross section) - Hydrilla Verticillata Leaf (whole mount) - Pine Stem (cross section) - Dog Esophagus (cross section) - Human Blood (smear) - Dog Skeletal Muscle (longitudinal section & cross section) - Pig Motor Nerve (section mount) - Rabbit Spinal Cord (cross section) - Rabbit Testis (section) - Dog Cardiac Muscle (longitudinal section) - Dense Connective Tissue (section) - House Bee Mouth Parts (whole mount) - Honeybee Worker Leg-Composite (whole mount) - Hydra (longitudinal section) - Dog Stomach (section)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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