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Garmin VEU484S - Ireland North-West - SD Card

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Product Name
Garmin VEU484S - Ireland North-West - SD Card
Product Description

BlueChart g2 Vision HD - VEU484S - Ireland North-West - microSD/SD. Coverage: Detailed coverage of Northwestern Ireland from Londonderry to Galway Bay. Also includes detailed coverage of Sligo Ballina Galway and Donegal Bay. Premium Mapping and Graphics Capabilities. Detailed nautical charts in vector object oriented format derived from government charts and private sources to provide port plans depth contours navigational aids and tides and currents in a seamless chart presentation. Shaded depth contours and intertidal zones with spot soundings. Aerial photos of ports marinas bridges and navigational landmarks and realistic view from space high-resolution satellite imagery. Up to 1-foot HD contours provide a more accurate depiction of bottom structure for improved fishing charts and navigation in swamps canals marinas and port plans. Garmin Auto Guidance 3.0 technology is now capable of providing routing guidance to virtually any accessible destination on the water. Wo

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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