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速溶桂花坚果藕粉羹(500g *1 can )Sweet Scented osmanthus, Instant Lotus Root Starch Soup,Meal substitute powder Nutritional breakfast,nut and Lotus Root Powder 美味方便速食莲藕羹 Chinese desserts

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Product Name
速溶桂花坚果藕粉羹(500g *1 can )Sweet Scented osmanthus, Instant Lotus Root Starch Soup,Meal substitute powder Nutritional breakfast,nut and Lotus Root Powder 美味方便速食莲藕羹 Chinese desserts
Product Description

Shelf life: 365 days (manufacturing date is printed on the surface of the package). The date of manufacture is under the can. Note: The date on the product packaging is the production date Packing specification: Osmanthus nut lotus root starch soup 500g/can. How to eat: 1. 2-3 spoons of lotus root starch, 2. Pour about 200ml of boiling water over 95 degrees. 3. Stir quickly in one direction until it forms a clear paste and is ready to eat.

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Last updated
September 15, 2024

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