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KidKusion Clearly Safe Stove Lock for Babyproofing Childrens 5 Piece

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Product Name
KidKusion Clearly Safe Stove Lock for Babyproofing Childrens 5 Piece
Product Description

Gas and electric stoves present obvious danger to curious wandering toddlers. They may reach up up and turn a stove knob and turn the stove on or in the case of gas stove release gas into the house. To prevent this use the KidKusion Clearly Safe Stove Knob locks to prevent your stove knobs from being pushed in and turned on. The patented stove knob lock attaches behind the stove knob with doubled-sided tape and prevents the stove knob from being pushed in and turned on. Once in place behind the stove knob simply press in the locking tab and rotate the locking ring until it extends out and touches the back of the stove knob. This will keep the stove knob from being pushed in and turning on the stove. The Clearly Safe Stove Knob locks are clear and blend in with back of the stove. These locks draw less attention from the child than the typical spinning dome covers that fit over the stove knobs. The Clearly Safe Stove Knob Locks work on most residential gas and electric stoves and some professional models.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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