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Eyewitness Kits Perfect Cast Dinoworks 24 Velociraptor Cast Paint Display and Learn Craft Kit

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Product Name
Eyewitness Kits Perfect Cast Dinoworks 24 Velociraptor Cast Paint Display and Learn Craft Kit
Product Description

The Eyewitness Dinoworks Casting Kits by SD Toyz combine creativity discovery and learning in one exciting artistic journey. Each kit includes everything needed to create an educational masterpiece: -PerfectCast Mix -Reble Molding Trays -Paints & Paint Brh -Magnets and Glue -Illtrated Educational Booklet -Complete Instructions . First mix the Perfect Plaster mold mix and pour it into the molds. While it sets read all about what its like to be a paleontologist in the illtrated booklet! Unmold your creation paint the parts and let them dry. Now glue them to the included magnets and you have your own work of art that can be displayed on most metal surfaces. Children will have a hands on learning adventure they can share with everyone! SD Toyz is proud to offer their classic Eyewitness Kit line of quality educational products that combine discovery and fun providing kids with many hours of enjoyment and learning! Eyewitness Kits bring fun and learning together by utilizing vibrant imagery and unique and relevant subject matter in a hands-on product that truly engages a child. Jt the sort of quality educational product you have come to expect from SD Toyz - and they are proudly !

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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