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Razor MX650 Dirt Rocket Electric Bike - Yellow

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Product Name
Razor MX650 Dirt Rocket Electric Bike - Yellow
Product Description

With authentic Supercross frame geometry, the Razor MX650 Dirt Rocket Electric Bike - Yellow offers a high-torque 650 watt motor that's chain driven with variable speeds to get you uphill and off-road. Perhaps surprisingly, this motor is also whisper quiet, which makes it potentially a lot more fun than your average scaled-down gas guzzler. Fun twist-grip throttle acceleration provides some thrills and fine control. The rechargeable battery provides up to 10 miles range and includes an adapter for charging from any standard A/C outlet. This bike has a double crown fork, folding foot pegs, and includes 16" and 14" pneumatic knobby tires fine tuned for a great experience on dirt. The dual suspension and adjustable riser handlebars add to rider comfort over longer distances. Razor

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Last updated
October 1, 2024

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