Product info
60% of Americans don t exercise and the majority of people who join a gym stop going after six months. The high intensity six-pack abs approach pushed by the fitness industry only caters to about 10-15% of the population and there s a reason for that: it doesn t motivate people for the long term. In Fitness without Fear Fleming surprises readers by showing them how to ditch the no pain no gain mentality and still make great progress in their personal fitness without spending all of their time in the gym. The main purpose of this book is to educate people on what fitness really is giving an approachable strategy for living a fit lifestyle. This book helps you make sense of your fitness journey and will answer the questions: Is walking actually good exercise? What are the benefits of practicing good posture? Can I lose weight and get in good shape without killing myself in the gym? How fit do I need to be? Fitness without Fear will debunk many myths and haphazard approaches that are circling around exercise and health giving readers hope that proper movement can assist them in living a better life.
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