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The Master Guide to Drawing Anime: How to Draw Original Characters from Simple Templates (Paperback)

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The Master Guide to Drawing Anime: How to Draw Original Characters from Simple Templates (Paperback)
Product Description

The first book in Christopher Hart s bestselling Master Guide to Drawing Anime series -- How to Draw Original Characters from Simple Templates is the essential guide for anyone who wants to learn how to draw anime from the world s leading author of How To Draw books. Nothing brings anime artists more satisfaction than creating original characters to use in a comic strip or graphic novel. In this anime drawing book bestselling how-to-draw author Christopher Hart helps them reach this goal by providing insight into the six most popular types of anime characters: schoolgirls schoolboys preteens vengeful bad guys humorous personalities and fantasy figures. He supplies templates for each; an extensive array of menus of head and body types outfits and accessories; and detailed accessible step-by-step demonstrations and drawing exercises making this the perfect reference for anyone who wants to learn to draw anime. Plus Hart showcases some of the best anime artists in the world for this title--including Inma R. Tabby Kink Ayame Shiroi Euro Pinku and Tina Francisco. It s the guide every would-be anime artist has been looking for! Suitable for all levels from beginners who are just starting to learn how to draw anime to advanced users who want to hone their skills this is the ideal resource for all fans of anime and manga drawing. Drawing books are a perennial present to inspire young artists and a popular gift for teens. There is no greater tool than an art book to spark creativity develop new artistic skills and help kids and teens channel their energy towards positive self-expression. Paperback; 144 pages; 9 in W by 10 in H.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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