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John G. Lake: The Complete Collection of His Life Teachings

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Product Name
John G. Lake: The Complete Collection of His Life Teachings
Product Description

The extraordinary life of John G. Lake is best experienced through his own stirring words. The power of his healing ministry and his effect on the world through his teachings is finally at your fingertips. For the first time the entirety of his lifes work has been collected and bound into an amazingly comprehensive treasury. John G. Lake was one of the most powerful healing evangelists of this or any other century. His lifes work spanned two continents and included countless conversions healings and deliverances as well as the establishment of hundreds of churches and ministries. His Spokane Healing Home is unique in the archives of medicine-and miracles. He was once arrested for practicing medicine without a license because of the thousands of unexplained medical healings that took place under his care. Find out for yourself why Lakes eulogizers said: We thought the victory was over there but Dr. Lake revealed to us that victory was here. This John G. Lake collection is sure to inspire you and generations to come.

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Last updated
December 22, 2024

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