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Construction and Analysis of Cryptographic Functions (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Construction and Analysis of Cryptographic Functions (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book covers novel research on construction and analysis of optimal cryptographic functions such as almost perfect nonlinear (APN) almost bent (AB) planar and bent functions. These functions have optimal resistance to linear and/or differential attacks which are the two most powerful attacks on symmetric cryptosystems. Besides cryptographic applications these functions are significant in many branches of mathematics and information theory including coding theory combinatorics commutative algebra finite geometry sequence design and quantum information theory. The author analyzes equivalence relations for these functions and develops several new methods for construction of their infinite families. In addition the book offers solutions to two longstanding open problems including the problem on characterization of APN and AB functions via Boolean and the problem on the relation between two classes of bent functions.

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Last updated
December 7, 2024

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