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Wicked Cinema : Sex and Religion on Screen (Paperback)

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Product Name
Wicked Cinema : Sex and Religion on Screen (Paperback)
Product Description

With close readings of films such as The Last Temptation of Christ Crimes and Misdemeanors and Closed Doors this book investigates cinematic representations of transgressive sexuality within Christianity Judaism and Islam to argue that religious beli From struggles over identity politics in the 1990s to current concerns about a clash of civilizations between Islam and Christianity culture wars play a prominent role in the twenty-first century. Movies help to define and drive these conflicts by both reflecting and shaping cultural norms as well as showing what violates those norms. In this pathfinding book Daniel S. Cutrara employs queer theory cultural studies theological studies and film studies to investigate how cinema represents and often denigrates religion and religious believers-an issue that has received little attention in film studies despite the fact that faith in its varied manifestations is at the heart of so many cultural conflicts today. Wicked Cinema examines films from the United States Europe and the Middle East including Crimes and Misdemeanors The Circle Breaking the Waves Closed Doors Agnes of God Priest The Last Temptation of Christ and Dogma. Central to all of the films is their protagonists struggles with sexual transgression and traditional belief systems within Christianity Judaism or Islam-a struggle Cutrara argues that positions believers as the Other and magnifies the abuses of religion while ignoring its positive aspects. Uncovering a hazardous web of ideological assumptions informed by patriarchy the spirit/flesh dichotomy and heteronormativity Cutrara demonstrates that ultimately these films emphasize the Otherness of the faithful through a variety of strategies commonly used to denigrate the queer from erasing their existence to using feminization to make them appear weak to presenting them as dangerous fanatics.

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Last updated
December 15, 2024

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