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Mastering the Art of French Cooking Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume 2: A Cookbook Book 2 (Paperback)

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Mastering the Art of French Cooking Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume 2: A Cookbook Book 2 (Paperback)
Product Description

The beloved sequel to the bestselling classic Mastering the Art of French Cooking Volume II presents more fantastic step-by-step French recipes for home cooks. Working from the principle that mastering any art is a continuing process Julia Child and Simone Beck gathered together a brilliant selection of new dishes to bring you to a yet higher level of culinary mastery. They have searched out more of the classic dishes and regional specialties of France and adapted them so that Americans working with American ingredients in American kitchens can achieve the incomparable flavors and aromas that bring up a rush of memories--of lunch at a country inn in Provence of an evening at a great Paris restaurant of the essential cooking of France. From French bread to salted goose from peasant ragoûts to royal Napoleons recipes are written with the same detail exactness and clarity that are the soul of Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

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March 4, 2025

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