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ROEBIC LABORATORIES INC K-87-Q-12 Quart Soap/Grease Digester

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Product Name
ROEBIC LABORATORIES INC K-87-Q-12 Quart Soap/Grease Digester
Product Description

Contains specialized bacteria to digest and degrade soaps and detergents proteins starches fats and grease in drywells septic systems and cesspools. Non-volatile non-corrosive and non-flammable. Safe and easy to use. Harmless to the environment. Use 1 quart for each 500 gallon capacity twice a year. K-87 is a unique product that degrades soaps and detergent that can clog plumbing systems. Soaps and detergents tend to accumulate and crust in pipes causing slow drainage and killing the beneficial bacteria in wastewater systems. This combination bacteria lives on soaps and detergents and enzymatically breaks them down. This product is useful for any plumbing system whether it be drywells septic cesspool or municipal.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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