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Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol - Value Size 10 ppm 16 fl oz Liq

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Product Name
Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol - Value Size 10 ppm 16 fl oz Liq
Product Description

For full immune system support choose Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol. This silver supplement is the #1 selling silver supplement in America with a unique combination of 5 attributes no other manufacturer can match: As corroborated by a university study Sovereign Silver contains greater than 98% bio-active charged silver particles (positively charged [Ag+] silver ions) which renders it at least 34 times more powerful than other brands. Sovereign Silver s unprecedented average particle size of 0.0008 microns or 0.8 nanometers (validated by Transmission Electron Microscopy) allows for easy utilization by - and excretion from - the cells and body. Sovereign Silver s ultra-small particle size also results in a greater silver surface area. That s why even with a low concentration of 10 ppm (parts per million) Sovereign Silver is still much more effective than brands that contain up to 500 ppm! Sovereign Silver is formulated to be safe when used as directed. Taken 7 times

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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