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The Mother-Daughter Dance (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Mother-Daughter Dance (Hardcover)
Product Description

A modern Everywoman Cathy endeared herself to millions of fans who share her struggles with the four basic guilt groups: food love mother and career. This comic page heroine blazed a trail for single working women and for her pursuit of perfection against all odds. The most beloved mother-daughter duo is back with a brand-new comic take on the difficult wonderful one-of-a-kind relationship between neurotic daughter Cathy and her caring comforting slightly interfering mother. Insightful observations amusing advice and comical proclamations are paired with Cathy Guisewite s distinctive illustrative style. This is an original gift book that will show your mother or daughter truly is. Cathy s comics continue to be a cartoon icon and a familiar yet fresh voice for females of all ages. A perfect Mother s Day gift or a great present to celebrate how glorious complex intense entwined and amazingly beautiful bonds between mothers and daughters can be.

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Last updated
December 20, 2024

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