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Cooperative Learning in Physical Education and Physical Activity: A Practical Introduction (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Cooperative Learning in Physical Education and Physical Activity: A Practical Introduction (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book introduces Cooperative Learning as a research-informed practical way of engaging children and young people in lifelong physical activity. Written by authors with over 40 years experience as teachers and researchers it addresses the practicalities of using Cooperative Learning in the teaching of physical education and physical activity at any age range. Cooperative Learning in Physical Education and Physical Activity will help teachers and students of physical education to master research-informed strategies for teaching. By using school-based and real-world examples it allows teachers to quickly understand the educational benefits of Cooperative Learning. Divided into four parts this book provides insight into: Key aspects of Cooperative Learning as a pedagogical practice in physical education and physical activity Strategies for implementing Cooperative Learning at Elementary School level Approaches to using Cooperative Learning at Middle and High School level The challenges and advantages of practising Cooperative Learning Including lesson plans activities and tasks this is the first comprehensive guide to Cooperative Learning as a pedagogical practice for physical educators. It is essential reading for all students teachers and trainee teachers of physical education and will also benefit coaches outdoor educators and people who work with youth in the community.

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Last updated
December 12, 2024

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