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Aggression: Reign over Europe (PC Game) Choose your side - England Germany France or Russia

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Aggression: Reign over Europe (PC Game) Choose your side - England Germany France or Russia
Product Description

Aggression: Reign Over Europe Classic PC DVDRom For XP & Vista Features: Military-historical strategy games limited the time frame 1910-1950 biennium. Fully three-dimensional graphics of tactical and global modes detailed map of Europe. Greater flexibility in the choice of the player s strategy of his state to create an alternative history of Europe. Four States available for the management of: Russia England Germany France. Historic Campaign for all of the key state in which the player can perform hundreds of tasks and take the whole era of total war to take part in both World Wars. Three-dimensional strategic map of Europe which has dozens of historical figures. More than 120 types of combat units (infantry cavalry artillery tanks and armored vehicles aviation) modeled in accordance with the historical realities. Political economic and military systems realistically reflecting a particular point of European policy and the war in the XX century. More than 200 real-existing historical figures: politicians generals public figures who lived during this period of time. Large-scale battles on 92 fully three-dimensional tactical map. Bloody battles the planning of combat operations the development of new weapons and technologies (from a machine gun to the atomic bomb) the conclusion of political alliances and espionage. Today s level of game graphics realistic physics a large set of special effects providing cinematic happening on-screen action.

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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