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Encore Azalea Autumn Princess (1 Gallon) Salmon Pink Flowering Shrub - Full Sun Live Outdoor Plant

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Product Name
Encore Azalea Autumn Princess (1 Gallon) Salmon Pink Flowering Shrub - Full Sun Live Outdoor Plant
Product Description

The Encore Azalea Autumn Princess is a charming reblooming azalea that graces your garden with soft salmon-pink semi-double blooms. Flowering in spring summer and fall this evergreen shrub ensures a stunning display of color through most of the year. Its compact size and unique foliage—new growth tinged with bronze—make it a standout choice for adding texture and vibrancy to your landscape. Perfect for borders foundation plantings low hedges or containers the Autumn Princess combines beauty and versatility in one easy-care package. Thriving in USDA Zones 6–10 this azalea is a delightful addition to gardens of any style or size. Encore Azaleas bloom best when given four to six hours of direct sunlight daily. When planting this Azalea dig the hole twice as wide as the pot and mix slightly acidic garden soil in with your native soil then leave the top of the root ball half an inch above the ground level when filling the hole with soil.

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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