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Sinus Relief Now: The Ground-Breaking 5-Step Program for Sinus Allergy and Asthmasufferers (Paperback)

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Product Name
Sinus Relief Now: The Ground-Breaking 5-Step Program for Sinus Allergy and Asthmasufferers (Paperback)
Product Description

Dr. Josephson s unique five-step program combines the best practices from traditional and alternative medicine to bring relief to the millions who suffer from respiratory problems. Recent research shows that many respiratory diseases are more related than previously thought. Their common underlying cause is what Dr. Josephson terms Chronic Airway-Digestive Inflammatory Disease (CAID). His groundbreaking proven approach will provide real relief from sinus disease allergies asthma sinus infections sinus headaches bronchitis ear infections snoring sleep apnea GERD and the acute mold epidemic. Sinus Relief Now will show how to: Maintain proper sinus care Remove mold and other irritants from the home office and car Follow a sinus-friendly nutrition program Find the right medications and treatments Experience total-body health

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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