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Love More Fight Less: Communication Skills Every Couple Needs : A Relationship Workbook for Couples (Paperback)

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Product Name
Love More Fight Less: Communication Skills Every Couple Needs : A Relationship Workbook for Couples (Paperback)
Product Description

Learn to communicate effectively meaningfully and lovingly with your partner--even in tense situations. Conflict is part of every relationship even the healthiest ones. The key to a long-lasting relationship isn t avoiding fights but rather seeing them as opportunities to work together. In her book Gottman-certified relationship coach Dr. Gina Senarighi gives us the tools and strategies we need to communicate effectively rebuild trust and repair past hurts. Love More Fight Less features: 30 COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND ACTIVITIES for building self-awareness identifying and interrupting emotional reactivity eliminating judgment separating thoughts from feelings and more 29 COMMON PITFALLS IN RELATIONSHIPS around issues of intimacy career finances family and home matters and friendships with other people--and how to navigate them STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE AND EXPERT INSIGHT to help you transform your relationship s conflict patterns by integrating effective communication skills This relationship workbook is for couples who want to learn new skills and build a solid foundation for working through conflicts and moving forward in ways that strengthen their bonds.

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Last updated
December 22, 2024

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