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Country Brook Design® 5/8 inch Classic Tie Dye Grosgrain Ribbon 5 Yards

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Product Name
Country Brook Design® 5/8 inch Classic Tie Dye Grosgrain Ribbon 5 Yards
Product Description

You’ll feel far out with this Classic Tie Dye Grosgrain Ribbon. Featuring breathtaking hues this traditional tie dye looks as if it were hand dipped by a pro! This grosgrain ribbon is a lightweight and versatile fabric made from strong polyester material. Characterized by its ribbed appearance it is a plain-weave corded fabric with low luster appearance. It is a firm close-woven fine-corded fabric that is very durable. Used in a multitude of applications this ribbon can be used for bows as part of a dog collar lanyards a trim on clothing linens purses tote bags hats and as a tensioning material for drums. Please note the print design is only on one side of the ribbon. Our grosgrain ribbon is 100% polyester and proudly made in the USA! We do our best to show the true colors of our products in our pictures. However monitor colors can vary so the color shades may vary a little on different monitors. Country Brook Design cannot be held responsible for misuse of our product. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the suitability of the product for their use.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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