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Bach Trumpet Mouthpieces in Gold 1C

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Product Name
Bach Trumpet Mouthpieces in Gold 1C
Product Description

Gold plated versions of the famous Bach standard trumpet mouthpieces. Gold plating provides a very comfortable and flexible feel. Insist on a Genuine Bach Mouthpiece Bach mouthpieces are designed to meet every conceivable playing need and have for nearly three quarters of a century. A Bach mouthpiece will make a poor instrument play well a good instrument play better. Volume and excellent intonation ease of response in the high and low register rich uniform timbre throughout the range and resistance calculated to increase the player s endurance-these characteristics explain why professional artists choose Bach. Because Bach mouthpieces are an accepted standard of quality their numbers are familiar everywhere as designations for certain models and types. And only genuine Bach mouthpieces bear the full inscription VINCENT BACH with one of the model numbers.

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Last updated
December 5, 2024

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