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Pre-Owned Use Your Head (Ariel Books) (Paperback) 0563165529

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Product Name
Pre-Owned Use Your Head (Ariel Books) (Paperback) 0563165529
Product Description

The chances are that we are only using about 1% of the power of our brain. Just imagine the amazing results if we could unlock just a fraction of the power of the remaining 99%. With this definitive classic operations manual for the brain you can discover how to revolutionise the way you think and learn wake up your senses and unleash the hidden power of your mind. With this book you will learn how to: Improve your problem-solving capabilities. Become more creative in your approach to work and life. Understand retain and more readily recall information. Improve your memory beyond recognition. Be more open to change and new ideas. Think learn and react faster and more efficiently.

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Last updated
September 18, 2024

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