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TIKI Brand BiteFighter Outdoor Tiki Torch Fuel with Proven Mosquito Repellency 64 oz

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Product Name
TIKI Brand BiteFighter Outdoor Tiki Torch Fuel with Proven Mosquito Repellency 64 oz
Product Description

The citronella and cedar formula of TIKI Brand Bite Fighter Torch Fuel provides proven mosquito repellence (see below) and now comes in an Easy Pour bottle for fewer spills and less mess. Ideal for use with TIKI Brand torches and table torches one 64-ounce Easy Pour bottle can fill five 12-ounce torch fuel canisters. Based on studies using CO2-emitting mosquito traps which demonstrated over 50% reduction in captured mosquitoes compared to untreated controls. Use as directed. Efficacy may be affected by weather conditions torch placement and individual physical factors.

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Last updated
December 8, 2024

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